we are A QVC The Big Find Winner!

Buffalo born brand, Embrace The Difference® was chosen as a QVC The Big Find Winner! Here is the STORY…

how we won the big ticket & On-Air feature by qvc

In May of 2019, I was away with my friend Marsha, who is an avid QVC shopper. She said “You need to get Embrace the Difference® national!!! Why don’t you try to get on QVC?"

So I googled... how to get on QVC, and The Big Find contest popped up!!! I got goosebumps!!! QVC & HSN were looking for an accessory with a story!! I knew I had to enter Embrace the Difference® jewelry in The Big Find!!! So I did!!!


My name is Robyn Zimmer and I created Embrace the Difference® jewelry ten years ago.

Interconnected circles are joined by a square. The single square embraced by circles reminds us that we are all connected, no matter what differences we have.

Embrace The Difference® brand of jewelry, giftware and apparel are unique because each piece sold helps to spread a message of acceptance no matter what difference one may have and financially supports the charity of the purchaser's choice.

The symbol is a visual reminder to be kind and accepting no matter what difference we have. It is designed to spread a feeling of goodwill, and encourages people to be kind and compassionate towards each other, as well as sharing the importance of giving back to the community.

My inspiration

Embrace The Difference® was inspired by my son, Sam, who was born with a myriad of developmental disabilities. The kindness and acceptance shown to him growing up has made him into the great person he is today.

Today, Sam is 29 years old, and is a young adult living with disabilities. It is my mission to leave this world a kinder, more tolerant place for Sam and for everyone!

Life is not always fair, and everyone is dealing with some issue. No matter what difference one may have, we are all linked together. It is a basic human right to be kind and compassionate to one another.

The money raised through each Embrace The Difference® purchase goes to charities that support people in need, from organizations dedicated to helping those with terminal illnesses and disabilities, to social justice initiatives and poverty relief!

the next round

Once I sent my applicant in, I got an email after a few weeks saying: Congratulations! You have made it to the next round and invited to go to NYC to make a personal presentation!!

After much preparation, I headed to NYC with my friend Dina to make the pitch! We found out we had 10 minutes to set up, and pitch the story. They were giving out “Big Tickets.” If you got one you were guaranteed to move on.

The headquarters of Qurate Retail Group on Madison Avenue were buzzing with hopeful entrepreneurs. All of us, determined to become the next The Big Find in the categories of beauty, accessories and jewelry.

It was nerve-wracking, waiting our turn to present. But once in the boardroom, I was able to tell the story and share the important message.

A main message of Embrace the Difference® is that we are all Designed To Be Kind™, accepting that we are all fighting our own battles.

the big ticket

I was handed a Big Ticket!!!!!!


And they said. “The World Needs This Now!!!”

Yes. They actually said that!!!

And was told that the buyers would be in touch!! I was contacted shortly after that and made arrangements to go to Westchester, PA for a meeting.

My dear friend and supporter Joanne joined me.

We met with the young, talented buyers of QVC and was told that they are still meeting with the other five Jewelry Big Finds, so they could not give me a definitive answer yet. But I was still hopeful!

And then I got the email…Congratulations! QVC wants to put Embrace the Difference® on AIR!!!!!! YEA!!!!

Embrace the Difference® on AIR with QVC

On Feb. 28th, 2019, Embrace The Difference® made its debut on QVC & donated $10,000 to Jewelers for Children.

This Buffalo born organization is A QVC The Big Find Winner, and a national brand!

So it's been quite the journey so far, and we would like to thank all of those who have helped spread our message!

In our small community of WNY, we have proven that this message is important and needs to be shared.

With QVC, we were able to share this message with 100 million homes, and we hope you will continue to embrace our mission.

Support your favorite charity and share a message of kindness!